You can start by clicking
here this game was made mostly in Twine, the music was made with Acidmachine2 and the artwork with Aseprite.
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="The image reads 'Lich Way Party Train', and shows a black and white drawing of a floating figure, they look familiar"><img src="" width="100%"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">You can start by clicking <span title="This is a piece of text you can click, it will be satisfying to do so">[[here|Home]]</span></div>
<div class="bottomtext"></div>
<div class="emote"><img src="" width="100%"></div>
<div class="status">this game was made mostly in Twine, the music was made with Acidmachine2 and the artwork with Aseprite.</div>
<div class="six">
<span class="glitchy" data-text="goblins">v1.0</span>
<<set $mood to "uncertain">>
<<audio "bgm_titles" play loop>>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="map">...loading...</div>
<div class="toptext">The game is played by clicking on [[text]], and occasionally writing your thoughts.
If you press F11 you can change to full screen mode.
Images have alt text regarding the most important things.
Most importantly, play as long as you like.<h1>CONTENT WARNING:</h1>
<p>This is a game about looking after the <span title="The word comforts you">[[dead]]</span></p></div>
<div class="bottomtext"></div>
<div class="emote">...loading...</div>
<div class="status">calibration in progress</div>
<div class="six">...loading...</div>
<<audio "bgm_titles" fadeout>>UIBar.destroy();
<<cacheaudio "bgm_space" "" >>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_titles" "" >>
<<set $a1 to "abandoned">>
<<set $n1 to "cavity">>
<<set $v1 to "cut">>
<<set $a2 to "happy">>
<<set $n2 to "coffee">>
<<set $v2 to "covered">>
<<set $n3 to "lunar">>
<<set $n4 to "trees">>
<<set $a3 to "overgrown">>
<<set $a5 to "...">>
<<set $a4 to "wild">>
<<set $n5 to "new">>
<<set $a6 to "enormous">>
<<set $a7 to "cooperative">>
<<set $a8 to "fat">>
<<set $a9 to "low resolution">>
<<set $a10 to "huge">>
<<set $a11 to "fine">>
<<set $a12 to "terrible">>
<<set $a13 to "underappreciated">>
<<set $a14 to "dirty">>
<<set $a15 to "rapturous">>
<<set $a16 to "splendid">>
<<set $n5 to "farm">>
<<set $n6 to "hotels">>
<<set $n7 to "video arcades">>
<<set $n8 to "game">>
<<set $n9 to "players">>
<<set $n10 to "gold">>
<<set $n11 to "ideas">>
<<set $n12 to "storm">>
<<set $n13 to "hammerhead shark">>
<<set $n14 to "rubbish barge">>
<<set $n15 to "sand">>
<<set $n16 to "sea">>
<<set $n17 to "DNA">>
<<set $n18 to "deer">>
<<set $n19 to "applause">>
<<set $n20 to "undergrowth">>
<<set $v3 to "grow">>
<<set $v4 to "press">>
<<set $v5 to "rots">>
<<set $v6 to "decypher">>
<<set $v7 to "miss">>
<<set $v8 to "hops">>
<<set $d1 to "...">>
<<set $d2 to "...">>
<<set $d3 to "...">>
<<set $d4 to "...">>
<<set $d5 to "...">>
<<set $d6 to "...">>
<<set $d7 to "...">>
<<set $d8 to "...">>
<<set $d9 to "...">>
<<set $d10 to "...">>
<<set $d11 to "...">>
<<set $d12 to "...">>
<<set $d13 to "...">>
<<set $d14 to "...">>
<<set $d15 to "...">>
<<set $d16 to "...">>
<<set $d17 to "...">>
<<set $d18 to "...">>
<<set $d19 to "...">>
<<set $d20 to "...">>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="map">mapgoeshere</div>
<div class="toptext">You have held this occupation for a long <span title="Have you aways had this job?">[[time]]</span>.</div>
<div class="emote">accessing database</div>
<div class="status">calibration in progress</div>
<div class="six">locating assets</div>
<<audio "bgm_titles" fadeout>>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map">...</div>
<div class="toptext">every day is the <span title="that doesnt seem right, they are a different">[[same]]</span> as the one before and the one after.</div>
<div class="emote">refreshing emotion generator</div>
<div class="status">calibration in progress</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map">.....</div>
<div class="toptext">but it is also different.
lets start by asking some questions about you.
I have given you some example answers this time.
<label><span title="this is an easy question, you could lie and it wouldnt ever be found out">What is your name?</span> <<textbox "$name" "Frank">></label>
<label><span title="this feels like a trick question">What can you smell?</span> <<textbox "$smell" "burning clothes">></label>
<label><span title="hmm, I worry about what I might say">How does your head feel?</span> <<textbox "$head" "heavy">></label>
When you have answered, you can <span title="less questions">[[start]]</span>.</div>
<div class="emote">.....</div>
<div class="status">.....</div>
<div class="six">.....</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="a map of your parish"><img src="" width="500px"></span> </div>
<div class="toptext"><span title="you can fee a change in the air, I can also feel a change">[[Continue|Storm]]</span></div>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">...</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="Something is trying to get out of the earth"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">This is your home. You (all of you), will carry the dead soul in the shiny black parish coffin so it can get to its final resting place.
<span title="we both smell iron">[[You think something is going to happen|Lightning]]</span>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">...</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="The air gets thick and then lightning breaks through to the ground"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext"><span title="hello!">I am [[Awake]]</span>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">...</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="This is me, a portion of earth with an ugy face and back tree growing out of that same face. I am very happy to be in the air again."><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">I am able to see you now, you do indeed look like a <span title="it is such a nice name!">$name!</span>
<span title="bend with the knees! its lighter than it looks, but still you need to be careful">[[I see you have the coffin, place it carefuly on the tyres there|One]]</span></div>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">...</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
<<audio "bgm_titles" fadeout>>
<<audio "bgm_space" play loop>><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="You place the black coffin on two old tyres lying in the grass. Whenever you are just looking away from it, you feel you can just see something moving at its edges, just in the corner of your eye"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">So, $name, here begins the task. Inside the parish coffin is a soul, that needs to be looked after. it is heavy, so you will need to take rests.
Looking at you, you seem $mood, is that right?
<label><span title="more personal questions">How are you feeling?</span> <<textbox "$mood" "...">></label>
When you are ready we can begin the first song [[are you ready?|Two]]</div>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">....</div>
<div class="six">.......</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="there is definitely something trying to get out of the coffin"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">My head hurts from breaking out of the ground, your head is $head, we should start as we mean to go on, by resting.
Now, the soul in the coffin is feisty, and will try and run away, so we only put it down on a suitable platform, such as these rotten tyres.
Its a good time to take in the atmosphere, taste the $smell on the ocean breeze, and sing a song.
Follow my lead
<label><span title="you try to hum along">The first part of the song tells the story of a village inhabited by</span> <<textbox "$villageradj" "...">>
<label><span title="you get the general tone right at least">The second part of the song desrcibes a</span> <<textbox "$villageeventadj" "...">>
lets [[go|1_2]]</div>
<div class="emote">...</div>
<div class="status">...</div>
<div class="six">...</div>
</div>Yes! exactly like that, now click on this word to [[return|Home]]<div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="A very very large bird of prey looks at you"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">Don't mind the bird $name, they are just observing, lets try that song:
"If ... I could remember ... the $villageradj of $mood, I could do better,
if I could remember the cold touch of $smell I could do worse.
The ... birds only know where we are going,
though we would get there far ... quicker in a hearse"
Ok, thats kind of awful ... We will do better as we get going.
lets [[go|2_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><img src="" width="100%"></div>
<div class="status">STATUS_ mediocre</div>
<div class="six">accumulating data</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="the coffin seems to fall into the cave but it never actually moves"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
$d4 a dragon’s head contains a special $n1 that is full of a sort of ambergris. Like $d3 a $a10 mountain of $a8 studded $d6 with $a9 $n10. It never $v5 and is almost totally useless $d7 I identify with it immediately.
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
When you are ready we can [[go|3_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("3_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="the building looks unwell"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
In the lumber-church, wood is $v1 open to $v6 the future. Threads of resin, broken $n11, little $a2 beetles drunk $d8 on $a11 pine rum $d13 Then a murderer kills everyone and burns ... the whole $d5 place down. Life $d9 happens, $n2 helps.
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|4_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("4_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="the hole left by the trees roots looks deeper than it should be"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
There was a $a12 $n12, I drove all night to get to you. You had climbed down into the hole left by a fallen tree and were all $v2 in dirt and worms. I’ve never seen you happier. You had ... found evidence of a … previous era in the strata, a ... layer of discarded safety equipment overwhelmingly $d8 consisting of facemasks that make the wearer’s nose look… like that of a $n13.
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|5_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("5_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="how long has the boat been tied here"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
A $n14, run by an old and $a13 AI, finds no rest at all.
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|6_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("6_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="the throught of it gives you vertigo"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
I curl into a $d10 ball and am carried carefully by a ... huge bird... Safely in the air I remember being born in the $a7 $n15 and living a whole $d12 life in the shallows ... of the $n16. I don't $v7 anyone $d15
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|7_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("7_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="it looks to you like the ghost is vomiting"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
The $d11 fashion of the time $d9 is for slightly unwinding your $n17 by eating things that are a little radioactive. It gives an ... air of casualness $d8 You do so and $d14 feel rakish, as well as nauseous.
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|1_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("1_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map"><span title="there is definitely something trying to get out of the coffin"><img src="" width="500px"></span></div>
<div class="toptext">While you catch your breath you try and take in your surroundings.
<<switch random(1, 63)>>
<<case 1>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look into the woods, seeing a nest that looks</span> <<textbox "$a1" "abandoned">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 2>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at a pile of rocks, seeing a small lizard emerge from a</span> <<textbox "$n1" "cavity">>,
but is that right?</label>
<<case 3>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There is a tree that looks like it has been</span> <<textbox "$v1" "cut">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you feel</span> <<textbox "$a2" "happy">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 4>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the air you can smell</span> <<textbox "$n2" "coffee">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 5>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You lift up a rock by your feet, finding a sleeping worm underneath you decide to leave it</span> <<textbox "$v2" "covered">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 6>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most important variable in your life it the</span> <<textbox "$n3" "lunar">>
cycle, but is that right?</label>
<<case 7>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your mind goes back to a time before, watching as out of the ground emerged some slender</span> <<textbox "$n4" "trees">>
,but is that right?</label>
<<case 8>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good word to describe your mind would be</span> <<textbox "$a3" "overgrown">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 9>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The steppe is best left</span> <<textbox "$a4" "wild">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 10>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">When you were born, the moon was</span> <<textbox "$a5" "new">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 11>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you look at me, and recognise my sense of shame is</span> <<textbox "$a6" "enormous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 12>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your relationship to the future could be described as</span> <<textbox "$a7" "cooperative">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 13>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The clouds above seem to be gathering, they are worryingly</span> <<textbox "$a8" "fat">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 14>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your sense of self could be described as being</span> <<textbox "$a9" "low resolution">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 15>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">the weight of guilt is</span> <<textbox "$a10" "huge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 16>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">you find yourself trying to think of a clever word to rhyme with ‘fine’ but all that comes to mind is</span> <<textbox "$a11" "fine">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 17>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">intrusive thoughts barge into your mind, a mentor describing you as</span> <<textbox "$a12" "terrible">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 18>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You notice a flock of birds circling a dead elk, its strikes you that carrion-eaters are</span> <<textbox "$a13" "underappreciated">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 19>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">For the first time, you notice that the clothes you are wearing are</span> <<textbox "$a14" "dirty">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 20>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Right now, in this moment, you are feeling</span> <<textbox "$a15" "rapturous">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 21>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The plumage on the giant bird is</span> <<textbox "$a16" "splendid">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 22>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The calmest place you ever visited was a</span> <<textbox "$n5" "farm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 23>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">If you had the resources, you would destroy all of this and build</span> <<textbox "$n6" "hotels">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 24>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, trying to imagine me spending my adolescence in</span> <<textbox "$n7" "video arcades">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 25>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Sometimes this feels like a</span> <<textbox "$n8" "game">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 26>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are overly competitive with other</span> <<textbox "$n9" "players">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 27>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Your favourite conductive material is</span> <<textbox "$n10" "gold">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 28>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You don’t think much of my</span> <<textbox "$n11" "ideas">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 29>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">It is suitable to set a final confrontation in a</span> <<textbox "$n12" "storm">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 30>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The most splendid faced creature is the</span> <<textbox "$n13" "hammerhead shark">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 31>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">On the horizon you see birds circling something, it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n14" "rubbish barge">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 32>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You look at me, the patch of ground I emerged from is mostly</span> <<textbox "$n15" "sand ">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 33>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You have a memory of a dream, you died and your body was dumped in the</span> <<textbox "$n16" "sea">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 34>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Fundamentally, you are your</span> <<textbox "$n17" "DNA">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 35>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Something runs through the trees just at the edge of your vision, you decide it must be a</span> <<textbox "$n18" "deer">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 36>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">A good performance should be met with</span> <<textbox "$n19" "applause">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 37>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">The best hiding place nearby is the</span> <<textbox "$n20" "undergrowth">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 38>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">This is the right place for the trees to</span> <<textbox "$v3" "grow">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 39>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Panic suddenly rises up in you, but you subdue it with a firm</span> <<textbox "$v4" "press">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 40>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">Everything eventually</span> <<textbox "$v5" "rots">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 41>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You are struggling to</span> <<textbox "$v6" "decipher">>
your feelings, but is that right?</label>
<<case 42>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">There are many people that you</span> <<textbox "$v7" "miss">>
, but is that right?</label>
<<case 43>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">While you are collecting your thoughts, a robin</span> <<textbox "$v8" "hops">>
by, but is that right?</label>
<<case 44>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a three word poem:</span> <<textbox "$d1" "...">></label>
<<case 45>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">write a five words story that ends in a death:</span> <<textbox "$d2" "...">></label>
<<case 46>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel no guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d3" "...">></label>
<<case 47>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">admit something you feel a minor amount of guilt for</span> <<textbox "$d4" "...">></label>
<<case 48>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that summarize the gap between barbarism and civilization</span> <<textbox "$d5" "...">></label>
<<case 49>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">define optimism</span> <<textbox "$d6" "...">></label>
<<case 50>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">briefly describe the context in which you would like to die</span> <<textbox "$d7" "...">></label>
<<case 51>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list three words that make you laugh</span> <<textbox "$d8" "...">></label>
<<case 52>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">list as many words you can think of that make you think of opportunity’</span> <<textbox "$d9" "..">></label>
<<case 53>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a song, write all the objects mentioned in its lyrics until you get bored</span> <<textbox "$d10" "...">></label>
<<case 54>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">What qualities do the best horror stories have?</span> <<textbox "$d11" "...">></label>
<<case 55>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last animal you saw</span> <<textbox "$d12" "...">></label>
<<case 56>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe the last bird you saw without mentioning its name</span> <<textbox "$d13" "i...">></label>
<<case 57>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">think of a lie you have told, write down the actions involved or described in it</span> <<textbox "$d14" "...">></label>
<<case 58>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe a shark</span> <<textbox "$d15" "...">></label>
<<case 59>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">describe how you would like to be seen</span> <<textbox "$d16" "...">></label>
<<case 60>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what’s wrong?</span> <<textbox "$d17" "... ">></label>
<<case 61>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">what three words describe your last intrusive thought?</span> <<textbox "$d18" "...">></label>
<<case 62>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer"> what is your least favourite word?</span> <<textbox "$d19" "...">></label>
<<case 63>><label><span title="there is no wrong answer">You like to be thought of as</span> <<textbox "$d20" "...">></label>
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
You a sing a<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>stupid
<<case 2>>clever
<<case 3>>sickly
<<case 4>>vibrant
<<case 5>>lovely
<<case 6>>virulent
<<case 7>>rousing
<<case 8>>ironic
<<case 9>>off-key
<<case 10>>misanthropic
<<case 11>>miserable
<<case 12>>soothing
<<case 13>>joyfull
<<case 14>>angelic
<<case 15>>heart-wrenching
<<case 16>>bawdy
<<case 17>>stimulating
<<case 18>>$a1
<<case 19>>$a2
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<switch random(1, 19)>>
<<case 1>>song.
<<case 2>>dirge.
<<case 3>>murder ballad.
<<case 4>>hymn.
<<case 5>>lulaby.
<<case 6>>ghostly tale.
<<case 7>>tonal work.
<<case 8>>space opera.
<<case 9>>work-song.
<<case 10>>war-cry.
<<case 11>>lament.
<<case 12>>memory.
<<case 13>>history.
<<case 14>>prophecy.
<<case 15>>prediction.
<<case 16>>warning.
<<case 17>>hallucination.
<<case 18>>ode.
<<case 19>>love-song.
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<</nobr>> It brings on a vision that I will try to describe:
$d1 on an $a1 $n3 colony $d2 sits a $n5, $a3 and $v4.
$n4 $v3 through walls … and $v4 against old signs for $a5 $n6 and $a6 $n7 that specialise in a $n8 for twenty $a7 $n9 entitled, $n18 mania...
<<switch random(1, 30)>>
<<case 1>>You are $d15 a giant bunny-shaped mecha hopping through the ... forests of eastern Europe, hopelessly lost and ... living for the moment $d13 You launch a salvo of ... indirect fire at a $n18, imagining $a15 $n19.
<<case 2>>I am rowing a huge galley, everyone … on board is having a $a16 time.
<<case 3>>Something $v8 by through the $n20
<<case 4>>You feel the pull of the moon $d18 overhead somewhere, … it is too cloudy to see
<<case 5>>Where is the ... bird, ah $d16, there!
<<case 6>>The $d17 bird is always nearby ... just out of sight.
<<case 7>>You are without a doubt $d20
<<case 8>>On the wind you hear a howl being … carried from far away ... $name-eo-eo-eo
<<case 9>>You find a $d19 stone in your ... shoe. It is $head
<<case 10>>You find a ribbon and deftly weave it into your hair. Your head feels less $head.
<<case 11>>A flock of geese pass overhead … above the clouds.
<<case 12>>Did you imagine it? a tentacle ... silhouetted on the horizon.
<<case 13>>You feel the soul in the coffin is restless so you drum a rhythm on the panels and also press the button that discharges excess static electricity.
<<case 14>>
<<case 15>>
<<case 16>>
<<case 17>>
<<case 18>>
<<case 19>>
<<case 20>>
<<case 21>>
<<case 22>>
<<case 23>>
<<case 24>>
<<case 25>>
<<case 26>>
<<case 27>> Sssss $villageradj $d2
<<case 28>>
<<case 29>>
<<case 30>>
<<case 31>>squawk squawk
<<case 32>>squawk
<<case 33>>squawk $name squawk
<<case 34>>squar...r..k $name squawk
<<case 35>>$head $a4 $name $name
<<case 36>>$name squawk $v1 $d4 $v1 $a8
<<case 37>>sqa $d3 … $mood
<<case 38>> SQUAAAARK squar $smell
<<case 39>> squark squawk $d10 sqark sqk $name $villageeventadj $d8
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
lets [[go|2_1]]</div>
<div class="emote"><<if visited("1_1")>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 2>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 3>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 4>><img src="" width="90px">
<<case 5>><img src="" width="90px">
Blah. Something went wrong if this is shown.
<<else>>This not yet feeling familiar<<endif>></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
</div><div class="wrapper">
<div class="map">mapgoeshere</div>
<div class="toptext">toptextgoeshereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee</div>
<div class="emote"><img src="" width="100%"></div>
<div class="status">statusgoeshere</div>
<div class="six">Sixgoeshere</div>
/*<div class="bottomtext">bottomtextgoeshereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee</div>*/